Allie Rigby is a San Francisco Bay Area poet and letterpress artist whose writing explores mental health, connections to land, and purpose. She joined the NBLA in 2021 while finishing her MA in English: Creative Writing at San Francisco State University. While most comfortable identifying as a poet, Allie began embracing letterpress as one way to render the intangible tangible. She loves the tactile nature and mechanics of working in a studio, with fired-up studio printers sharing their caffeinated thoughts with each other. 

In three words, Allie's art can be described as crisp, earthy, and conversational. 

1. Falling Slowly: Type printed directly on tulip poplar leaf. 5 x 5 inches.

2. Nugget: Micro-chapbook printed on Hosho rice paper. 4.5 x 4.5 inches.

3. Introverts Unite: Broadside printed on thick paper. 11 x 17 inches.

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@RigbyAllie on Twitter

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