"Set" Your Intentions for the New Year

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"Set" Your Intentions for the New Year


Sunday, December 29, 11am-3pm

4 hour workshop | Cost: $130 all materials are included | Limited to 6 students

*Partial scholarships available, for more info click HERE Please apply 30 days prior to date requested.

In this 4-hour workshop, we will reflect on our intentions, set them using the wide selection of type available at NBLA, and print them as beautiful reminders to bring with us into the New Year.

Students will start the workshop by writing in response to a set of prompts focused on the coming year. We'll each zero in on a phrase or a few words to set as a poster. We'll then decorate our posters and print them on a Vandercook cylinder press.

No experience required.

Please be conscious that cleanup and putting type away is every students responsibility, it does take time, and is part of the full letterpress experience.

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Tiana Krahn is the book artist and letterpress printer behind Spell & Bind Press. She teaches at NBLA and elsewhere and recently co-founded Mob of Two, a collaborative artists’ book imprint.