NBLA Printers Represented in North Coast Galleries

May 2017: This month, printed works from many of the artists who work at the Iota printshop are featured in two gallery shows on the North Coast.

One is at Healdsburg Center for the Arts, called Power of Printmaking, which runs until July 16. After the election of Trumpf, there was an outburst of poster-making at the shop, and we entered ten of them on picket sticks as an installation. They are also on sale at the gallery, with benefits going to the NBLA.

Healdsburg Center for the Arts Power of Printmaking130 Plaza St Healdsburg, CA

The Mendocino show at the Oddfellows Hall is organized by Flockworks, and is called “Art of Letter, Word & Book”. It runs until May 29th and is a great assembly of calligraphic art, letterpress, and various other printmaking and book arts work.
Flockworks “Art of Letter, Word & Book”.
Flockworks “Art of Letter, Word & Book”.
Flockworks “Art of Letter, Word & Book”.
Flockworks “Art of Letter, Word & Book”.
 Odd Fellows Hall 45101 Ukiah Street Mendocino, CA